Finally, some furniture
Sofa arrived today. Nothing short of luxury after having to sit on the damn stairs yesterday. Unfortunately it's a little bigger than it looked in the shop – the two places it was intended to go are too small so it's wedged in the end of the lounge. I actually quite like it where it is so it'll probably end up staying there, although it's a bit early to make any sort of decision until there's at least a second piece of furniture to arrange it around.
Not really been up to anything else. Still no fridge or washing machine, but that is sorted as of tomorrow – rather than buy both (or even just one) which is not an option until I'm earning again, it makes more sense to rent for a few months. Minimum rental is only a month which is a bit of a surprise – I expected it would be longer which would be a royal pain in the arse, so we've settled for three months which gives enough wage-earning time to buy them after the lease runs out. Saw the LG fridge in the shop that's on the adverts for the olympics here with the TV in the door – unfortunately it's $15 595 which is a little steep for cold beer.
My other news is decided to start doing some proper exercise with the eventual goal of a bit of triathlon. Not sure how my monged shoulder will hold up to the swimming but I'll wait and see. I was always shit at swimming anyway so I can't imagine I'd be much worse with one arm. It's been a while since I've done any competitive training but hopefully it'll get rid of this gut I've had for the last year or two.
Managed to call the telephone people as well, but they couldn't connect us up today. No idea why not – it's not like they actually have to do anything other than press a bloody button. I was assured however that it'd be connected tomorrow morning. It'll be nice to be able to do things like call people and check my email. I still have a load of other things to do – electricity and gas I'll call when I can tomorrow, I need to open a bank account, probably get a cellphone too, although that's something I don't really care about – just a convenience. Getting quite used to not having one again.
Might go up the coast on Wednesday as we still have a few films to go back to the rental place. Depending on how much it is I might hire a surfboard for an hour or two as I'm itching to start learning. Mum however is worried about shark attacks but my youthful sense of immortality will prevent that from being a concern. If you're reading this mum – I'd be a lot more concerned about the rip-tides. Lot more drownings from them than fish-fatalities. Especially with my one-armed, can't-swim-for-shit, out-of-condition wreck of a body. At least the flab will make me float.