The new pad
Settling into the new place. It's a shame we have no furniture, other than Jenny's bed and a bookcase. On the bookcase there is a 14” TV with no aerial. Yesterday was spent moving stuff across in Greg's van, and while it's a good thing that Jenny has so much stuff which she's acumulated over the years (although mostly the last few months), it's very much girly stuff, like hors d'oeuvre serving dishes and matching crockery, rather than practical items like a chair. Hence why I am sitting on the stairs typing as it's the closest we have.
That being said it's great that we have the kitchen pretty much kitted out. The nuisance about the Ozzie tendency toward unfurnished lets is that we have no fridge, which is a pretty key item. A cheap and cheerful fridge can be bought for only a few hundred, but as I have spent all my available cash on a sofa, the deposit for the flat, getting here and things like visa applications, my hands are tied for now. Instead we have a coolbox ('Esky') with a few bits of ice in it which keeps the morning tea/coffee milk tepid. So we have no furniture, no fridge, no washing machine (although we do have a dryer), no money and no means for getting them for at least another week and a half when Jenny gets paid. I start work a week tomorrow and should get paid a fortnight after that, and I have a feeling that it would be a good idea to try and hang on to Jenny's income for essentials like food and petrol until we have two lots of cash coming in.

The week up at the coast near Mooloolaba was a bit of a rest from the time off I've been having. We had to come back for Jenny's exam on Tuesday so it was a bit disjointed but other than that ate well (if anyone's in Mooloolaba I would thoroughly recommend Phon's if you like Thai food), slept well, went for a few runs along the beach and took some photos which I will eventually send to my mum as she's been complaining that I haven't emailed her any. I should be able to get this place hooked up to gas, electricity (both fortunately still working since we moved in) and phone as of tomorrow so I will sort it out then. Will need to see how much broadband is as dial-up photos are no fun to send.

My plans for today are taxing as usual. Shower and cup of tea. J's at work until 2pm, I think mum Jeffrey and Liz will come over at some point this morning to say hello. They're off to buy some plants so I'll wander round with them. Having no transport is a bit frustrating but probably a good thing seeing as I have no cash either. Greg is away in Cairns for some music thing but is flying back tonight about half six, and he's arranged for a surprise birthday party for Liz tonight. She's going to the airport to pick him up and everyone's sneaking into the house while she's gone.
Not even half past eight in the morning so I think I'll have to get round to unpacking my clothes. If I have time after that I might go a for a run but I'm not too sure as if I get lost I'm up Shit Creek, so a shower might be the safer option.
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