Sunday, March 26, 2006


Currently 0745. Have been up since 0600. Was up between 0200 and 0400 trying to get the boy to go back to sleep. Prior to that I got home from work around midnight before having something to eat. This has been roughly the pattern for the last week or so, after him sleeping from half seven at night through to six or seven in the morning every night for about the last month or two. His runny arse has settled but now he seem s to have teeth coming through, which presumably is why he finds it necessary to keep the street awake until his parents take him for a moonlit drive.

Noticed that I haven't put anything up about the month we were back in the UK. So here are a few pictures instead:

Jen and the boy, looking out over the Clyde from Dumbarton Rock

By Loch Lomond

Bilbo blows off some gas

Mum and Jen at Stirling Castle

Me, the boy, and my (at the time) new glasses, which I have needed for some time

These pictures were uploaded in a sensible order but seem to have been re-arranged... too much trouble to re-organise though.

The boy on the bed, around 5 months old

In his Christmas outfit

At the beach. In Oz. Less impressed with the water later though

Near the beach, at Bribie Island

Tummy time, 3 months old

Also thought I'd put up some pics of Ryan's girls, seeing as the lazy bastard hasn't bothered...



Thursday, March 09, 2006

Long time, no see

Been a bit tardy with news. Due entirely to inertia and apathy.

Just finished a few nights, which were all far too busy. As I am knackered, I'll keep being a slacker and rather than post a decent account of things, leave this short executive summary of recent events:

- work
- back in the ED
- disappointingly stuffed by the department of surgery, who told me, two days before starting my new post, that I was on permanent nights
- ED is by and large the same as always, other than the new contract
- less hours, same pay (80 -> 76 hours per fortnight)
- thoroughly arsed off with the whole situation. Trying to decide on what to do with my life

- home
- no news
- hoping to buy a place here at the end of the year, cashflow permitting

- the boy
- 6 months
- still not walking or talking. Maybe we should take him to a specialist or something.

Think that's about it.

More to follow, soon (maybe).