Fun with paint
Had a trip up to the ED last night about 1am, having had a day of increasing headaches with a few slightly worrying features later in the day. By the time I rocked up I was told I looked 'like shit' due to being grey, clammy and with a temperature of 38.6. One dose of steroids, antibiotics and a lumbar puncture later (RCC 40->20 over three bottles, WCC 25) and the resulting diagnosis was a viral meningitis. Spent the night but decided in the morning that I'd be as well feeling crap at home rather than stuck in hospital seeing as there wasn't anything else to be done.
From my stay on the 'other side', I am left with a few take-home messages.
1. all the whingers about waiting times must just be malingerers. I was taken straight through to a resus bed immediately on arrival, seen (actually, helped into bed) immediately by a consultant, registrar, and charge nurse, and had an LP within an hour and off to a private room in the ED short stay unit as soon as the LP result was back. I suppose there is a remote possibilty that attending the department I work in may have helped, and the consultant was there until 5am anyway because of multiple overnight trauma patients.
2. intravenous steroids are weird. They make your balls tingle. Sort of prickly tingly. I was asleep when they gave them to me and was woken with a start with this odd scrotal sensation. I wonder if I should warn my patients about this?
So I have been told not to handle Hamish for a few days (Jen will love this when he cries at 4am), but other than that no big deal. Not really helping the exam preparation though.

Hamish has started smiling at 3 weeks, but not yet on demand.

Callum has been a royal pain in the arse today as he has now started getting out of his bed repeatedly. He's been able to for months but until now never would, so when he gets put to bed he stays there. Today's afternoon nap consisted of him yoyo-ing in and out at least twenty times until we gave up at 5.30pm as he'll be getting his evening sleep at about 8.15pm.
He also sneaked out and found a pot of sudocrem while Jen was feeding the ginger leech. At least the polished floors wipe clean (though not the gaps in between).