After much negotiation with colleagues I managed to get some time off to attend the Robbie Willams concert (in Sydney) that Jen had bludgeoned me into getting tickets for. It was a quick trip owing to only having a few days that we could travel and also not wanting to leave Batman on his own for too long (well, with his grandparents).
Look out Gotham
Sydney was a bit overcast. We were only there for around 24 hours, but felt obliged to see the opera house (seeing as it was only about a mile from where we were staying)

The view from the hotel room - you can just see the Opera House at the far side of the bridge

Our tickets were extra expensive (but the only ones left when we booked) as we had a 2 hour free drinks and poncy finger food party beside Aussie Stadium, so I took the opportunity to get as lashed as I could possibly get.