A big fat number two
We now have a scan of the new one. Jen's about 22 weeks gone, although the scan has the baby at around a week ahead of that (i.e. fatty).
The 3D ultrasound that they have is a little weird as you can see...

We are hoping that he'll be born with skin on his right arm and that this is just an artefact of the 3D scan.
Other news from Chateau Campbell is that Callum has eventually decided to try the whole walking thing. To be quite honest, he seems fairly unimpressed, though he hasn't dismissed it entirely. He likes to congratulate himself with a round of applause every time he manages a few steps.
We also tried out the pool for the first time today - I was properly submerged, freezing my balls off, but Jen managed one leg up to just above the ankle then cried off. It's not yet summer so it'll get warmer though. The boy thought the pool was great but too cold.
Start new job (different hospital) on Monday. Bit of an easier commute.