We took the boy down to Sutton's Beach in Redcliffe today. Granny and Grandpa Jeffrey were babysitting Jack as cousin Tom has had an accident and is in hospital. Tom had grabbed a bottle of beer which was being put into the fridge and run off with it after being given into trouble for it. In a don't-run-with-scissors moment he fell onto it and cut his hand, so is under the knife to assess (and maybe repair) whatever damage he has done (nerve, tendon) to his hand. Hopefully there isn't any nerve or tendon damage but we won't know until the surgery (should be done by now).

Callum predictably though the sand was great, although I don't think it was as tasty as he hoped. He and Jack ran around for a while getting sand in their bumcracks to complain about later.

Later we headed off to the playpark beside the beach where he was at most bemused by this thing, which was a sort of spring-loaded see-saw. There was some sort of ADHD kid who kept jumping on and off the other side, but Callum took it all in his stride.

He liked the chute much more though, to the point of getting in a strop when we tried to take him away from it.

So mummy had to go up and down about ten times to keep him entertained.