Winter's here

It was -1 last night, which is, I think, the coldest it's been in Brisbane since I've been here. It's still about 24 during the day (i.e. summer in Scotland, if it's a hot year). Currently sitting out on the balcony on the swing chair trying to keep myself out of the sun, in shorts and T-shirt.
The boy now has this whole crawling thing well and truly down pat. This gives us a whole new spectrum of things to worry about as his new found mobility give him the range and opportunity to cause much more mischief around the house. He's talking a lot but only a few recognisable words (mum, dad, bum are the main favourites). He seems to understand mum and dad. Bum I'm not so sure about.
As far as news is concerned - have decided to become an ED trainee instead of surgical. Was offered a proper surgical job after all, but had changed my mind. I think I'd miss the good stuff (the rare times a true emergency comes in) too much. Have been promoted as the director is on holiday for a couple of months so doing consultant cover for the next few weeks, which is somewhat ironic as technically I'm one of the least qualified to do it as I'm not even a trainee yet and have no ED exams. I do get paid on the consultant scale though so that'll help the mortgage payments. Extra cash is also coming in as I'm doing student teaching (official title of Honorary Lecturer is on its way if I keep at it so that'll bolster the CV) so I'm also on the Griffith University payroll too now. Casual rates are fairly good - more than twice per hour than what I get at the moment (although at 2h per fortnight it's not going to make me rich).
Not much else been going on recently - no gossip from here or back home that I'm aware of. Though I think Jenitalia may have sneaked off far a secret wedding. No official result of that yet.

Ryan claims he will again start posting things but seeing as he managed one short paragraph last time before giving up, I won'texpect him to contribute much as a co-writer just yet.