Rainy Season
Been a bit rainy the last few days - storm season seems to be here again. Makes for some impressive displays of lightning, and fills up the depleted reservoirs here, but the locals are up to their usual tricks - complaining for months about the lack of rain and the water restrictions and then after about 4 hours of rain whining about the bad weather.
No other news of note. The boy remains hungry, pukey, happy, and well-behaved (mostly). Have lots of footage of him doing nothing with which to bore the family in a few weeks' time. So far he has managed, on camera, to do the following:
to take a dump during a reading of 'Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy',
to puke all over Stephanie's boyfriend, Andrew
to refuse to smile on several consecutive days but only during the time that the camera was pointed at him.
In fact, to watch any of the recordings we'd made you would think he was neglected or beaten or something. Maybe he's camera-shy.
On nights at the moment. Dull. Nothing ever happens when I'm on night shift. We did get one post-cardiac arrest patient in last night but by the time he arrived the paramedics had already stabilised him and put him on a ventilator. Wasn't much to do really from our point of view other than transfer him to ICU (which is about 8 yards from the resus bay). Took the opportunity to put in a few lines that could have probably (actually, definitely) waited until he arrived in ICU, much to the chagrin or the nurse in charge who thought I should keep seeing patients and let ICU deal with it. I thought that some practice would be more useful than seeing the usual procession of trivial ailments though.
Have another few nights to go still, then a few days off. Off to bed now so can't be bothered to write any more.