Friday, August 05, 2005


Spring is well and truly here, with the weather starting to warm up again. Apart from today, as I am sitting with a jumper on. It's hot but windy. Our newest addition to the house is a swing-chair which sits on the verandah, mostly with my lazy arse on top. Vey relaxing, and much better than the previous table/chair combo. All we need now is a hammock.

This was a few weeks ago. She's bigger now.

The view from the balcony. You can see the city (Surfer's Paradise on the Gold Coast) in the background.

Not too much in the way of news. Jen and I went down to the Gold Coast just for a night, and stayed at a fairly swish apartment block. On the esplanade, so about 20 metres from the surf, on the 16th floor. Fantastic views and huge for a flat - I think they were selling a few for $800 000 - $1.2M so no surprise that it was nice I suppose. I'll buy one as soon as I can afford it though, though that may be a hundred years or so.

This is the view in the mornings from the bedroom window

And the view of the city at night from the balcony

Not too much in the other direction

Looking straight down from the balcony. My camera only zooms in 6x, they look a lot smaller without the zoom

Jen was in a concert the other night (the council have some free concerts for all sorts of arty things) which was moderately entertaining. There were a bunch of people performing, with some Aboriginal didgeridoo/dancing/firelighting with two sticks performers, some Riverdance-y type Irish dancers (which I can't stand, personally), some singing, a rather camp compere, and Jen's band amalgamated with some other Brisbane bands doing the music.

Greg conducting, Jen's at the front right hand side, playing he baritone and mostly covering her face with her hair

Have possibly got myself a job for January, and will just stay on at Logan until that starts. Surgical rotation for 12 months, with at least 6 months general (which is what I need to do). Still waiting to hear from them though - they've essentially offered me the job but I want to make sure it's what I need for my training.


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