Been a while since I posted anything. Since then we've been up to a few things. We went to Newcastle (about an hour's flight) for a Wiggles concert a few weekends ago, which was interesting. The boys had a great time which is the main thing, but I spent the whole time on the bog, and we'd spent all our money on Christmas and the trip so we were eating bread and spit the whole time.

Obviously Hamish managed to put the icing on the cake by doing the biggest shit in the universe, on the plane, so I had to battle turbulence and the smallest toilet (with baby change table for some sort of microbaby) while Jen tried to hose down his little seat belt that he had caked in what looked like (but probably didn't taste like) peanut butter.
We also had Mike, Heather and Emily drop in while they were on holiday from the UK. Emily and Callum seemed to get on well and we caught up over a BBQ. Good to catch up, and another house to crash at when we make it back to the UK.
Callum and Hamish have recently been playing with stamps (little ink stamps which were originally for Callum to encourage him to sit on the potty). Callum thinks they are great and loves to stamp Hamish and the house, so wherever we put them, he manages to find them and get them out.

Work is same as usual, with no particular gossip. Am going to another hospital to do ICU in January for six months. It's a bit closer (not much) and smaller. It's mainly a cardiothoracic hospital, called the Prince Charles Hospital, in Chermside, in Brisbane.
Callum and Hamish have been spending a lot of time outside now as it's hot. In the sandpit (as usual)...

and they've also been in the pool a lot. They both love the water, although Callum still isn't very keen on getting his head under water.
We had a work BBQ a week before Christmas (a yearly event called Rooks cooks (the ED director is called Rooks)) which was an afternoon in one of the parks in the town centre (not too far from the hospital). The boys crawled around and ate bark and watched the boats on the river. As usual the boys loved it as they were out in the park with lots to look at and other kids to play with. There was a ton of booze and everyone was half cut by the time we left - I think a few went out that night.

Obviously we've just had Christmas too but I'm to lazy to talk about all that now. Might do it in next week or too and try and put up some video too.
In the meantime here are a few pictures of the boys when I took them to the park a few days ago to let Jen have a sleep in.

There must be something about the Campbells and William Wallace... ;-)
The kids are so cute! Hope you had a Merry Christmas!
really cute.keep it up...
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