Bigger fatter number 2
Despite my original objections, number two turned out to be called Hamish. Hamish Andrew Campbell. As it happened, when he finally made an appearance (37 weeks, so a little on the early side), someone had coloured him in with a bright orange crayon.

Calling him anything else just didn't seem to fit with that roof, so Hamish it is. Everyone who sees him comments on it (gingers aren't too common here, despite the widespread British ancestry). He made his appearance after an almightly struggle with his poor mother, finishing at 0812h on 14/1/07. Both mum and carrot are doing well.

He actually looks strikingly like Callum, except for his hair. He makes just as much noise (squeaking, grunting, whimpering) in his sleep, and he also sounds like a weightlifter doing a career best lift when he does a poo.

Callum is unpeturbed. He has been spoilt by Grandma and Grandad Jeffrey being there all day playing with him, so seems to have barely noticed our absence. He was happy to give Hamish a kiss (although currently, if he kisses one person, he makes sure to kiss everyone in the room before he is happy).

... And to show what a sharing, caring big brother he is, he spent some time trying to feed Hamish some pineapple chunks. Hamish actually seemed to like the idea though he didn't end up getting any as his meanie parents wouldn't let him.
So far, everything seems good - 10 fingers, 10 toes, 1 set scrots and 1 set bots. He does have a funny belly button which might sort itself out over time (otherwise he'll have the most outie outie I have ever seen - it's like the finger from a glove with the tip cut off, leaving an inch or so of dangly skin.)
This is the second attempt to post this - should have been up last night but looked today and it wasn't there. Hopefully this time it will work.

Gorgeous , pure gorgeous. Where is the picture of carrot and the boy`s mum
congratulations!!!! He is absolutely brilliant! Can't wait to see more piccies, well done Jen!!!! love jen and john xx
What a star! Hello Hamish from your uncle and all of the Jakarta branch. I'll try and get over to see you soon, presents will be coming over with Grannie.
A ginger! Oh well with Scottish genes it was bound to happen eventually.
Well done to Jen! Plans for more?
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