Saturday, April 16, 2005

Blister in the Sun

Not too much happened since I last put finger to keyboard. Since I got back from NZ, I've been working every day but one, and they've all been late evening or night shifts so have done absolutely bugger all other than work. Have managed to get a blister on my hand for the driving range so bought a glove. The one glove look is very gay but at least a little less painful. Also found that the difference between driving range turf and grass (there are a few grass tees on the range) was enough that my quickly improving golfing technique has become absolutely shithouse and I am only good for digging holes with the irons. Still much better than I was a few weeks ago though, I suppose.

Nights at work were predictably tiring and dull. As usual it's been quiet when I've been on, with the only interesting thing being some poor guy with a swollen tongue which was almost obstructing his airway. By the time he arrived in the ED it was too big to stick a tube down so we had to instead sit and watch to see if it would actually abstruct his airway. Which it didn't. A surgical airway (i.e. cut down into the windpipe) would have been fun (though not for him, I suppose) but instead I sat in resus for two hours with several cups of coffee watching his tongue. So rather than being interesting and exciting it was the dullest thing I believe I have ever seen.

I at least have a few days off to do nothing and wash some underwear, as I am down to my last pair, having been to tired/lazy to do anything since getting back from NZ.

If I manage to do anything of any note I'll write about it, but in the meantime I'll just have to put up some more pictures from NZ as I have no new ones.


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