Jingle Bells

Some coastal rocks. Proper name is the Twelve Apostles (not all are here, obviously)
Tuesday morning. Most of the way through a nine-day haul, then five days off. Flying out Friday morning to go to Mt Gambier, with an eight-hour bus journey (though that includes stops for lunch and a few wineyards) at the end of a three hour flight. Drunk on a bus – hopefully nothing like the medics' rugby tours. Working this afternoon from half three until midnight, then a ten o'clock start tomorrow.
Not much has happened since I wrote last as I've been working pretty much the whole time. Am part way towards growing a beard but that's more due to apathy than appearance – it'll come off today (four 8am starts doesn't help with extra time in the shower in the morning).

Jack and Jen
My contribution to Australian culture has started, however – I have taught baby Jack to say 'poo', 'bum', and 'titties', which he is overjoyed with. I'm not sure his parents are though – especially as he seems to know exactly what titties are and points to or grabs his mum's when shopping while shouting out 'titties'. I now feel that my neice, Kathryn Mae, is missing out on my contribution to her development and Indo-Anglo-Chinese culture.
Have taken to wearing shoes on the patio because of these bloody ants (stamps on one). They might outnumber me but at least I can hurt them more than they can hurt me (stamps on another) (and another, but this one keeps wriggling even though it is in a very different shape to what it started as). Maybe I should see if there is some sort of spray I can put down. Or invest in a magnifying lens.
Work remains much the same. Have had a pretty uneventful week so far, I feel like a GP with the so-called 'Accidents' and 'Emergencies' that I've been seeing. Doctor, my eczema is getting worse. Or, I've had an ulcer on my lip for six months, four GPs and a dentist haven't cured it. He told me, 'fuck you buddy' when I said it was an inappropriate use of the service and I wasn't going to treat him. Lovely.

Mt Gambier's tourist attraction, the Blue Lake
Not got round to posting this yet and it's now Tuesday the next week. Back from Mt Gambier, which was a fairly enjoyable weekend despite it being all band. Managed to get a sore throat before leaving and my ears were giving me hell on the plane before landing, but I'm mostly over that now – just a weird deep crackly wheeze that's remained.

Part of the Christmas Parade at Mt Gambier
Once again didn't get round to posting this. It's now Friday the 26th, don't start work until noon. Work the last few days has been pretty quiet but tomorrow's Saturday, which might be busy, then I've got four nights to contend with. There's a Christmas do at work on the 11th which will be a bit odd as it's a BBQ in the sweltering summer heat. I doubt there's much chance of a White Christmas here.
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